Managing Your Shopify Email Subscriber List

Shopify Email: Managing Your Subscriber List

There is a rich document in the Shopify Help Center about email subscriber list management that I’d like to go through with you today.

Email marketing is a good luring technique that increases sales massively.

But if you bought some weird list on the internet from someone claiming to sell niche data.

You will be leading your brand to death row.

It will flatten your reputation on the earth and will destroy your email deliverability.

Any upcoming promotional email campaign that is sent from you will ride the bullet train to the spam box.

I’ll tell you today how to build and manage a clean subscriber list.

The Checkout Settings

Your first sales will be coming from earned organic traffic on the search engine.

Along with the social media contacts you get with paid advertising.

When these prospects make their order for the first time, they will be asked to opt into your email list for discounts and offers.

If you go to the checkout in your Shopify setting. You will see it’s already checked to be included on the checkout page.

But what you want to do is pre-select the box.

It is a no-brainer for the customer, and they move in with their checkout.

Import Customer Lists

If you have been using another e-commerce platform, importing leads from social media, or any other leads that you have been able to gather with consent.

You can click on the import customer lists in the help center document to redirect you to the customer section.

Beside the ‘’add customer’’ button you will find the importing option.

When a window pops up you can download a CVS file as an example for the required fields to include in your document.

The most important fields are the first and last name with the email address.

It can be very useful if you have the physical addresses and the phone numbers too.

Once you organize the data you have in hand in the same way Shopify suggests, you can reupload the file to be organized in your customer section instantly.

Role-Based Email Addresses

Some emails are not so preferable to advertise too.

Emails that look like info@ or support@ are probably part of a team, not a single entity.

Remove email addresses like this from your list especially if you’re not sending from a free plan because you will be wasting time and money.

Will My Email Send?

The bounce-back rate is the emails rejected by the receivers.

If you notice that your subscriber number on Shopify Email differs from the one on the customer page.

That’s because Shopify won’t send to those who refuse you marketing materials and send them only to the people with accept the marketing indicator on the customer page.

They maintain your deliverability over time without hurting your reputation.

Create A Filter

Segmented emails give you great leverage.

Customer appreciates a message tailored for them.

If I spend 10K on your website and I receive an email saying that it has been a while since I made an order. I will be angry.

If you go to the customer section on the admin panel.

You can create filters with different options.

Basically, the amount spent, and the location are good filtering techniques.

To target profitable areas and people and cross-sell or upsell to them.

Or promote them to be on your VIP list.

You can even craft certain messages to people who are not spending much to question them if there is something wrong and needs to get better.

Double Opt-In

In the notifications setting, you can oblige the customer for a double opt-in through an email confirmation in the email marketing section.

It helps you to get a clean subscriber list without people typing up random emails for a ruse.

It helps you to get the best out of your list, but it can sabotage the process.

People won’t be crazy about signing up, most of them won’t complete the verification.

I’m 50/50 about this, to be honest.

It is totally up to you. But I wouldn’t recommend it if you have zero subscribers to begin with.


If you include an unsubscribe button in your email it can be an anti-spam signal
for the email server.

But sometimes this cannot work for some customers.

They can reach out to you about removing them from your list.

You can easily do so by going to the customer page, selecting the customer, and
then unsubscribing her from the right sidebar.

We don’t want to force anybody on any messages.

In the next blog, we will be going to learn about sending promotional discount
emails. Stay tuned.

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