Creating a Promotional Email Campaign

Shopify Email: Creating a Promotional Email Campaign

In this part of the Shopify Email Series.

We will conduct side by side a thorough tutorial for creating promotional email sequences for your products.

This process ideally will let you practice your email marketing skills that would be universal across many marketing tools as the dashboard rarely changes.

These principles cover the designing, writing, and publishing of promotional email campaigns the same as found in the Hair Business Masterclass.

You can use this for any flow you like whether it’s an abandoned checkout or cart, or even a welcoming series.

The messages change and the utilized imagery, but the principles are consistent.

Creating Campaign

By going to your Shopify online store, head to the side banner and you have two ways.

You can create a campaign from the campaigns option in the marketing section, or through the apps by choosing the Shopify Email app to create a campaign.

Once you click you will be able to choose your template.

The templates themselves are basic and will need further customization to suit your brand.

But as you explore, you can notice that they cover a handful of functionalities.

Don’t sweat it though, choose a product template, and let’s move on to the next step.

Promotional Product Campaign

Firstly, select your subscribers list, when your subscriber base gets bigger, you can niche it down, niche target emails perform a lot better than the generic ones.

Secondly, write a subject line, further on, we will talk about the subject lines more deeply.

But as a beginning, write a personalized headline that revolves around grabbing attention as your email open rate depends heavily on that.

Lowercase letters can be more personalized than capital letters, and Shopify lets you add more personalization options like first and last names.

Thirdly, use a preview text that elaborates on your subject line and adds to it.

It’s a glimpse of the value that the reader will be getting.

It also helps with the open rate and can give a quick round-up if you check your emails first on the notification bar.

Finally, use a professional email via a business email service provider like Google Workspace, Rackspace technology, or Microsoft 365.

I always insist on that because I see a lot of people ignoring the fact that professional email with the domain of your website can help customers think more seriously about you.

It insinuates that you mean business and you’re invested in your business not just another local brand taking advantage of the dropshipping hype.

Editing and Finalizing Template

The editing interface of Shopify is quite simple.

It’s a drag-and-drop system that makes you point and edit any section you like.

The basic requirement to personalize the template is to upload your logo if you uploaded it before in the brand section of Shopify, it would automatically reflect in the template.

Add your social media links to appear as a button on the footer with an unsubscribe button. That button is a quality signal for the receiver's email processing system.

Featuring a picture can lift your email aesthetics and increase your sessions.

The ideal ratio for an email image is 800x400.

That helps the email to load faster and to improve performance for guaranteed delivery.

I edit mine on Canva with three primary elements, the product title, the punchline, and a model to humanize the image.

Add a couple of products through ‘’add sections’’.

The product will be added with the description and the specs from your product catalog as it’s already connected to your Shopify Email.

Don’t make it too much selling though.

Write short scannable sentences about your product benefits.

I didn’t say features, the benefits are more enticing and emotionally intriguing and leave a better notion.

It’s the deeper value of the feature.

You can link other products too through specific words to upsell to customers with complimentary things that go with the featured product.

Testing and Reviewing

You can add your mail to receive a test mail to view it as a casual customer.

It helps you to give a neutral opinion to revisit the email and make needed changes.

Make sure it's convenient and friendly with the mobile view.

Then you can schedule the email to be published for the targeted audience.

Do not rain them with many emails so you won’t go directly to the junk box.

Email marketing with these Shopify Email features can drive a big chunk of your profit if it’s leveraged right.

Read the next blog where I teach you to build your lists.

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