Building Lists: Tactics To Grow Your Hair Business
Today, I’ll give you cheat tips to grow your hair business. But I want you to think differently.
Everyone thinks of lists as the population of emails you gather to rain them with newsletters and discounts. It is part of the process; however, it has a lot more to it than you think.
Building lists can pour traffic into your hair business website and with the right conversion techniques, you can raise your sales level.
Social Media Lists
Lists are not exclusive to emails. In Private Label, we use our Hair Biz Radio podcast’s subscribers as a list.
That applies to all content platforms you use. Facebook followers, YouTube subscribers, and Instagram followers.
By continuously bonding with your audience and warming them up. You can easily turn an idle base of strangers into active prospects.
Then you optimize this tribe by reselling and upselling to them what you find suitable as you study your audience further.
Give, Give, Give, Ask!
In Gary Vee’s book ‘’Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook!’’ Gary discusses that you become invisible when you try to solely sell.
It becomes easier to dismiss your messages in a noisy world. As you’re just another salesman with a keyboard.
It doesn’t only weaken your brand. You reach a plateau a lot faster. Because you didn’t value the bond you just built.
But by adopting a more productive approach. And try to engage, educate, and closely listen. When you try to sell hair, your message gets through. As people buy from brands they admire.
Ideas For Giving
Blessing comes in disguise as same as your giving approach. When you try to grab your customer’s attention and get them out of their way to engage.
You should provide something of value to them. That’s shareable and remarkable.
In Private Label, we think of Hair Business Blueprint as the driver for our business.
As we aim to support our clients in the hair business world by coaching them for years ahead and being a part of their journey. That’s the reason we started our Masterclass.
People won’t buy a product they don’t know how to use. So, you should make tutorials, guides, or infographic material to share free information that your audience can benefit from.
So, keep giving and ask for nothing until you’ve waited enough.
What Gets Measured, Gets Managed
’You can’t improve what you don’t measure.’’
You don’t need to check your numbers daily or weekly.
But I advise you to lay your numbers and analyze them ideally bi-monthly if it wasn’t every month.
By doing a situational analysis of your growth, what you had in your hands, and what you have been able to obtain.
Using simple tools like Google Sheets at the beginning of every month. You can effortlessly manage and improve your data.
Become Goal-Oriented
If you keep discounting your products, you will be lowering them continuously to the floor. As there is always another one playing it cheap.
While a couple of competitors play the high-ticket game because they don’t sell that much.
Always put value in the front of your eyes. Because it’s obviously hard to compete on value.