Coach Kendall Ficklin Spills Tea About How Entrepreneurship Really Feels Like
Kendall Ficklin and I have been friends for many years.
He helped me change my perspective about a lot of stuff, not just me, thousands of people too unleashed their business life thanks to him.
He is not the regular internet personality who sugarcoats things for you.
As he always says: most people want what it looks like, but not everybody is willing to go through what it feels like and it’s going to hurt.
Entrepreneurship seems like a strike of pure luck as a loose arrow that hits whoever it likes and sometimes looks like a whole amount of sweat and hard work.
But for sure, it needs a framework to sound reasonable and achievable.
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Set Up Sales System
Having a system means that funnels can be measurable and adjustable.
If you want to scale up from 2 figures all the way to 8 figures, you need to have automation.
Like in Private Label how we set up analytics for our Shopify store that goes hand in hand with Google Search Console and Facebook Pixel.
That helps us to develop criteria and conditions to program email flows and retargeted ads according to them.
This kind of operation makes you lead the business hands-free without any intervention or fear of losing attention.
You can cut the moderators some slack too by publishing frequently asked questions about the redundant questions you receive.
I know people can get lazy and read nothing, so, you can film some videos that answer their needs.
The Impact of Transactional System
Kendall Ficklin mocks lousy new businesses, it’s like the dating scene.
You don’t go to the club wearing and smelling nice to attract a partner then ask them immediately to go back to your home.
It might work once in a blue moon.
But if you dress nicely, bond with the partner you attract, work your way with jokes and listening, put effort, and invest in the relationship.
You might get lucky. Most new businesses are aggressively selling. It’s not sustainable and it rarely works. You need to hunt leads and then farm them into a long-term relationship.
That means to connect, communicate, and cultivate these leads. You can do it on social media using Messenger and other texting apps.
Email marketing is great for this. Most people forget about following up, they ditch their leads for new and shiny opportunities.
Money is in the follow-ups there is a surplus of leads already.
Manage Priorities Not Time
If you make time blocks, you can miss by a few minutes which accumulates to a few hours per week.
But if you focus on priorities, you will get the urgent and important stuff out of the way.
You live for 168 hours a week if you cut off 50 hours for working, and 56 hours for sleeping (if anybody sleeps 8 hours these days).
You will have plenty of room to focus on yourself, your health, your partner, and your family.
Don’t set goals, goals are vague.
Set targets because it has better mental associations.
When you set a target, you are more prone to hit or even get close.
Then the following month you increase the limit, and then the month after it.
You will be increasing with a great deal of growth that reflects on your business and the energy you’re willing to invest.
How to Beat Competition?
No one wants to hear about the features of your products.
They want to know the benefits.
They need a story that aligns with their worldview the encourages them enough to be represented through your brand with the service you provide.
There are no crazy products nowadays.
You’re probably offering some product or service your own way.
But you have to differentiate yourself from the average business owner in your industry.
To go the extra mile to provide a remarkable experience.
Topped up with free value that urges the people to think of you.
It’s about breaking the existing patterns with something really special that deserves to abandon their brand or vendor for it.
And by the time you break these pre-existing bonds, you replace them with a fresh perspective on how to get things done with a bold brand that services on a transactional basis.
How to Stay Focused?
You’re in a love-hate relationship with social media and you actually need a rest after wasting time.
Your mind is just not satisfied.
We keep procrastinating and we keep losing opportunities, time, and money.
If you tasted bankruptcy or the noises of debt collectors, you would run for it like Forrest Gump.
Only 10% of the American people are able to earn 6 figures a year or more.
This leaves the rest 90% as unfulfilled potential.
Wouldn’t you like to not worry about gas and grocery prices again forever?
Finding your why, which fuels you, will keep you pushing and focused.
It will keep everything aligned.
Finding Your Why
I remember booking a trip for my mom, may she rest in peace, and she shily asked if I could book her a first-class seat like I did before.
It was a wholesome moment for me, and I always did it for her.
After we lost her, I wanted to honor her with the Private Label $100K pledge to give back to the black hair entrepreneurs community.
This purpose shaped my journey. Not necessarily to the means of being a multimillionaire but to provide a stable life for her.
If you think you’re doing it just for yourself, you’re wrong, it’s not sustainable.
You will lose track midway.
Do it for the people you love and your community and let them be proud of you.
Your Board of Directors
Your social circle surrounding you is what feeds your brain and sculpts your ambitions.
If they’re lazy, you will be too.
If they’re cynical, you will be too.
If they’re hungry and outgoing, you’re going to be too.
Go to bed tired and wake up hungry to hunt and farm new businesses.
The time is going to pass anyway, so, make sure you’re on the right side of things with the right people, doing the right thing.
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